18 Jul

Project has reached the finish line

Final conference in Olomouc

After three years of development, the HELP project has reached its goal: the materials for healthcare English and intercultural competence are ready and are being released out into the world. The team efforts were crowned at the final conference in Olomouc, Czech Republic, on 15th of June 2017. We presented the final materials, the on-line platform and a mobile app. Project members and participants met at Palacký University to learn about the HELP products and to share their professional expertise. Thanks everyone for coming!


Let’s celebrate!

The HELP project has recently won the 2017 European Language Label – an award encouraging new initiatives, added value and an innovative approach in language education. We are very proud that the HELP materials have been rewarded as a substantial, high-quality educational tool. The award will certainly boost the impact and underlines the unique character of the programme. The official award ceremony will be held in Dublin on 29th of September.

Ready to serve

We are happy to announce that the on-line platform including all 20 modules on medical and intercultural competence will be hosted on-line for the next 10 years at the least. The sustainability agreement signed by the relevant partners ensures that the outcomes will be available to users for free for many days to come and you are cordially invited to take full advantage of this, either on a web-based environment, on a mobile device or printed on paper. Many already do so, with more than 700 learners on all continents. HELP is here to help!