Material development

O3 - A2 Material development


Development of the content structure based on previous outputs results and partners’ expertise, agreement on a common scope to produce a learning environment that fulfills educational requirements for English training for healthcare staff at B1 and B2 levels in the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Ireland and Spain; involvement of stakeholders in these countries; Assessment of the collected good practice and decision on further use;  Specifying key vocabulary and key content of intercultural issues;  Specifying main activities for learner-centered learning approach, “real life” simulation tasks and projects, learning strategies; Designing the organization of the units and curriculum to enable use in formal and informal learning environments; Designing presentation of the learning content: navigation, illustrations, layout, media support.


Language experts who have been teaching specialist English to the healthcare sector at medical universities from the Departments of Foreign Languages (P3, P5, P6, P7) will take care of selection of materials and learning approaches. P6 will provide templates and input from practical perspective of teaching healthcare English. P4 who is expert for didactics of foreign language training and QM will provide input.   

We will organize regular exchange of ideas among the partners by interdisciplinary team work.

Quality indicators will be developed; Stake holders will be involved into the design and agreement of the development concept for the new contents.

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